Unity Projects
3rd Person PoC Game Demo
3rd Person PoC Game Demo
In this short screen-capture I am showing off the proof of concept I built in the Unity 2020 Engine using the Universal Render Pipeline.
Excited about being able to knock together a convincing enough looking "world" to run around in. With the time to spend on scripting actions and objectives this could be a pretty fun game! THX to Matthew Henderson for his guidance.This demo took me about a month of homework time to complete. I look forward to spending more time with the engine when life/finances allow it!Tinkering with mixed-reality instructional videos
(live video projected into 3d scene)
will gen z actually pay attention to content like this?
Above, trying to distill a vast set of concepts that influence what we perceive to be possible in the future, in a way that young people could perhaps understand.
(Philsophy, futurism, graphic facilitation)